Can You See a Wind Farm?

There is a real divide in most countries when it comes to support for renewable wind farm energy. Many people are happy to say they support renewable energy, but when it comes to looking out of their window to see a turbine they baulk.  For an example, a country that is rich in wind energy, Scotland, has many people that now say they want to see a reduction in wind farms that they can see.  Yet they are well happy to have low carbon above their heads.

I need to pin my colours to the mast. I think renewable energy is vital to making the world get through the 22nd century without a man-made catastrophe.  Yes, I too love walking in the Lake District of North England, in Germany’s Black Forest region, and in the wilds of Alaska and Siberia.  But this is the harsh reality. If we want power (ie electricity) then there is a cost to pay. Until we find a new source of energy on earth, or conquer travel across space to find new, safe and cheap,energy sources, we are lumbered with this dilema. We either poison our atmosphere with our diminishing supplies of  fossil carbon-based fuels, or utilise nature’s gift of renewable energy in the form of wind, solar power and hydro power. It seems to my simple brain that this is no issue.

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I would be more than happy to look out at a wind turbine rotating a few thousand feet from my house and know that my children will have a secure non-toxic future, rather than gazing at an idyllic landscape now that they will not see. If and when we find a new source of energy that will render solar and renewable energy redundant, I am happy to sign up to having a future that is clean and green. If and when that happens- great. We can dismantle the wind farms and bask in the joy of having discovered the conversion of air to energy or whatever.  Until then wind power and other renewable energies represent the safe and best way forward. If you are able to look out of your window and see a turbine spinning,like me, then rejoice!