Denmark Create High-Tech Wind TurbineTest Centre

6 October saw the inauguration of a state-of-the-art Wind Turbine Test Centre at Østerild, Denmark. It’s the world’s first purpose-built test site than can accommodate the tallest masted wind turbines produced today, under optimum wind conditions. Given that Denmark has but 7 years to meet its energy target of half of its energy consumption having been produced by wind it is not surprising that they are keen to produce and test out wind turbines, bigger and better than those produced today.

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Anders Bjarklev, the President of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) commented:

“So far, this test centre is the only place in the world for testing the mega wind turbines of the future. Here, DTU researchers can continue their strong partnership with the wind industry, which has given Denmark a world-leading position within the development of new wind turbine technology. Test Centre Østerild is a prerequisite for retaining expertise as well as safeguarding and creating jobs within the Danish wind turbine industry”.

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Ms Ida Auken the Danish Minister for the Environment (picture above), attended the inauguration, along with Ditlev Engel, President and CEO of Vestas and Henrik Stiesdal, Chief Technology Officer at Siemens.  The minister expressed pleasure that DTU has assumed the responsibility of running the state-owned test centre. He said:

“The test centre in Østerild shows the government’s commitment to the transition of Denmark to green energy. Not only do we need to reduce our energy consumption and leave a smaller footprint on the environment. We must also be the ones to develop the green products which are already being demanded by the rest of the world. Test Centre Østerild will help us ensure that Denmark continues to be at the forefront of developing renewable energy technology”

The Danish certainly seem to have the vision and political nous to be world leaders in wind turbine development, testing, manufacturer and use. Green energy advocates in other European countries, including the UK, must be green with envy that the Danes seem to have got it together so well.

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The test centre has seven test stands. Vestas and Siemens have already snapped up one each, and Siemens has  a 197-metre turbine on one of them already. One stand has been leased to the Chinese company Envision and two are currently put out to tender. The site also boasts excellent monitoring and data-collection equipment, and enables the masts to be connected to a simulated grid so that the whole system can be tested,  judged and adjusted as necessary.