Gamesa Drop Plans for 5.5MW Platform

Gamesa has decided not to progress with the prototype construction of its 5.5MW turbine and instead will concentrate on the 5MW machine being which is being developed in the Canary Islands.

The original plan revealed in October 2012 was to build a 2.5MW platform and a 5.5MW onshore/offshore turbine. The 2.5MW platform was planned for Q2 next year, the larger 5.5MW turbine for Q4 of 2014. This announcement was one of the first made by Gamesa’s then-new chairman Ignacio Martin (pictured below).

Ignacio Martin Gamesa web 300x1621 Gamesa Drop Plans for 5.5MW Platform

Earlier this week Mr. Martin said that his company would not be focusing on the quality of products and services, not growth.

As recently as the EWEA  Conference in February 2013 Gamesa publicized its progress on the 5.5MW platform. It was unable to give a reason for the decision to halt the project.

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The company has also said that the 5MW turbine, which has been referred to as an offshore-only platform, will now be available for onshore sites. The 5MW turbine is adapted from the 4.5MW platform, which is designed for medium wind speed conditions. Both wind turbines have a 128-meter rotor.

Gamesa also announced that it was postponing the much larger 7-8MW offshore turbine. that had been planned to come out in prototype by putting it back to an unspecified date in the “medium to long term”.

Only two months ago at the Gamesa Shareholdres’ Conference

  • The company’s shareholders, meeting in Zamudio (Bilbao), approve the conduct of business in 2012
  • Sales in 2012 totaled 2,119 MWe, i.e. higher than established in the Business Plan, and the group’s normalized EBIT amounted to 5 million euro
  • The share price has appreciated notably since the 2013-2015 Business Plan was presented, a sign that we are on the right path

At that conference Martin said:

“Gamesa is not just a big company-it’s a great company. Rest assured that Gamesa’s management team is fully committed to turning the accumulated knowledge and experience into an attractive value proposition for our shareholders. That is where we will focus all our efforts, as a means of rewarding your trust.” 

One may be tempted to speculate that in the current economic climate building much larger MW turbines might not find buyers, while the second-hand market in refurbished wind turbines seems to be booming.