Wind Turbines and Bird Deaths in the United States.

In an Associated Press article out this week, it is stated that the US administration has never fined or prosecuted a wind farm for killing eagles or other protected bird species. It accuses the US of having double standards: prosecuting anyone and everyone for protected species bird deaths- except owners of wind farms.

It is said that over half a million birds are killed by wind turbine blades each year. Where does this “fact” come from? Ahh- it’s just an estimate from the Wildlife Society Bulletin. It is claimed that while oil and electricity companies found to have killed hunting birds such as eagles and falcons are fined, there is a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card for wind power companies.  Of course it is no secret that Obama’s administration has put global warming high up on his agenda, and championed tax breaks for renewable energy companies.

The Associated Press say that they offer glimpses of the problem: 14 deaths at seven facilities in California, five each in New Mexico and Oregon, one in Washington state and another in Nevada, where an eagle was found with a hole in its neck, exposing the bone. Nasty and unfortunate, but hardly evidence of the half a million bird deaths claimed. It is claimed that companies refuse to divulge data on bird deaths and that the Obama administration is complicit in keeping facts and figures secret.

However, in its defence, the US wind-energy industry points out that more eagles are killed each year by cars, electrocutions and poisoning than by wind turbines.  Are there plans to fence off pylons and power lines, and have every car fitted with an anti-bird siren or netting shield? Of course not.  It is claimed that eagles don’t spot wind turbines when they are hunting for food. Wind turbines are not invisible. They are white, easily seen, large, and emit a sound when the blades are turning. There is an expression: “Eagle-eyed”. So is it really the case that thousands of these highly adaptable birds of prey are flying right into wind turbines? Just take a look on YouTube and see how many videos there are of these wind turbine deaths. I couldn’t find one.

EarthTalkWindPowerBirds 300x2181 Wind Turbines and Bird Deaths in the United States.

Many wind energy comapanies are fully paid up members of the Green lobby. They don’t want any avian deaths if they can be avoided. They are working with researchers to see if there are simple ways that will keep birds away from their turbines. Just as bird strikes can be expensive and dangerous for jet planes, so they can be for turbines.  I think it won’t be long before some form of bird-scaring technology will be standard fitting to turbines in areas where birds are at risk of injury from rotating blades.

There is now a proposal before the Obama administration. It is made at the urging of the wind-energy industry, and would allow companies to apply for 30-year permits to be allowed to have a set  maximum number of bald or golden eagles killed by their turbines. This would encourage innovation and technology to be developed to solve the issue by reducing or eliminating avian injuries. There is no reason why wildlife and renewable energy cannot live side by side in harmony. Indeed, anything that reduces carbon emissions is good for wildlife surely?


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